As the premier and influential comprehensive exhibition in the optoelectronic industry, the 25th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE 2024) will be held from September 11 to 13, 2024, at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center. Co-located with seven sub-expos covering sectors such as information and communication, precision optics, laser and intelligent manufacturing, infrared, intelligent sensing, display technologies, etc., CIOE aims to create a professional platform that integrates business negotiations, international exchanges, and brand showcases, fostering strong connections between the optoelectronic industry and nine major downstream application fields.
  • 240000

    Exhibition Area(sqm)

  • 3,000+


  • 100,000+

    Expected Professional Visitors

  • 80+


Show data at CIOE 2023

7 Events and Concurrent Conference Presenting the Entire Optoelectronic Ecosystem

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